Closing date: 16 Oct 2017
Country: Bangladesh- India- Nepal- Myanmar
Region: ASIA
Date of departure: asap
Duration: 55 days
Reference person: Nadia Walch and Ibrahima Diallo
Person(s) identified for the consultancy:
Created in 1960, the Foundation of Terre des hommes Lausanne (Tdh) mission is to come to the aid of children in need. It endeavours at all times to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters, or in less publicised situations of distress. Today, Terre des hommes Foundation is the largest non-governmental organisation (NGO) for children’s aid in Switzerland. Besides, Tdh has development projects and emergency relief programmes in more than 30 countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Syria. This engagement is financed by individual and institutional donations. Over the last fifty years, Terre des hommes has developed projects in two core areas: Mother and child health, and child protection. Every year, Tdh offers sustainable solutions and a better future for over one million children and their relatives.
a.Country profile
Bangladesh is the world's eighth most populous country. Dhaka is its capital and largest city, followed by Chittagong, which has the country's largest port.
Bangladesh forms the largest and easternmost part of the Bengal region. Bangladeshis include people from a range of ethnic groups and religions. Bengalis, who speak the official Bengali language, make up 98% of the population. The politically dominant Bengali Muslims make the nation the world's third largest Muslim-majority country.
Bangladesh is a middle power and a developing nation. Listed as one of the Next Eleven, its economy ranks 46th in terms of nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and 29th in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP).
b.Health situation
The rates of malnutrition in Bangladesh are yet among the highest in the world, with 6 million children estimated to be chronically undernourished. The last Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted in 2012-2013, provides information related to child and maternal health at national and divisional levels. Barguna District is part of Barisal Division and Kurigram District is part of Rangpur Division. The MICS indicates infant and under five mortality rates in Barisal and Rangpur are 35/1000 live births & 48/1000 live births, and 43/1000 live births & 62/1000 live births, respectively. In addition, a survey conducted by different UN organization in 2013 indicated an estimated maternal mortality rate in Bangladesh is 170/100000 live births.
Although, the Government of Bangladesh has initiated to reinforce the Community Clinics (CC) as the first point of care in addition to the Family Welfare Centres (FWC), the huge gap, in terms of technical capacity among the existing human resources as well as insufficient accountability of CCs and FWCs is one of the major challenges the government community health institutions are currently facing. Moreover, quality nutrition services are lacking in most locations except those supported by NGOs. ANC/PNC, maternal and child health including safe delivery services are yet to be used widely as well as the regular households visits by the Family Welfare Assistants (FWA).
The WASH situation is also volatile. An assessment conducted by Tdh in both areas in 2014 indicates that only 30% of the household in Kurigram and 17% of the household in Barguna have access to the safe drinking water sources. Hardly any household in Kurigram treat their drinking water properly. In Barguna, 38% use alum to reduce turbidity and only 4% boil water for disinfection. Safety plan for storage of water is also insufficient. Only 36% of the households in Kurigram have access to hygienic latrines. Open defecation is still an issue in these areas. Practice of hand washing with soap at all critical times is only about 3%.
Early marriage is another concern in relation to maternal and child health in north-western area of Bangladesh. Approximately 80% of women, aged 20-49 years, got married before their age of 18 (MICS 2013). In Kurigram, the early marriage rate is 78%.
Bangladesh is known as a disaster prone country; Barguna and Kurigram are particularly at risk of recurrent disaster. Kurigram is located along side of Testa and Brahmaputra rivers, resulting in recurrent flood and erosion of settlement, loss of livelihoods and lands. Barguna, on the other hand, is very much exposed to cyclones, which can have devastating effects, such as Mahasen in 2013 or tidal waves, which can lead to regular flooding of the land with saline water, as happened in 2014.
c. Current Tdh project
· In close collaboration and alignment with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) standards and national policies, Tdh is implementing a health program (2015-2017) in 27 unions of Kurigram District (northwestern Bangladesh) and 7 unions in Barguna district (south Bangladesh), specifically in 1211 Community Clinics (101 in Kurigram, 20 in Barguna), 28 Family Welfare Centers (24 in Kurigram, 4 in Barguna), 2 Tdh Outpatient Departments (OPD), 1 Tdh Specialized Nutrition Unit (SNU), 4 Upazila Health Complexes (UHC) and Kurigram District Hospital.
TDH currently serve around 600 000 beneficiaries See the activity report from Aug 2017 → Bangladesh Narrative report Q2 Marguerite foundation04.08.17.pdf
· The IMAGE project drives for social and behavioral change to improve the lives of married girls in Bangladesh. The beneficiaries of the project are married girls in Bangladesh; the main goal is to ensure a dignified life for married girls, in which they can realize their human rights and potential. IMAGE is currently implemented in three northern districts in Bangladesh, (Kurigram, Gaibandha and Nilphamari). IMAGE focuses on providing support to 4,500 early married girls in three Unions. The strategy of IMAGE is to improve the lives of married girls through a comprehensive and multi- layered programed approach. The project utilizes a combination of awareness raising activities facilitated through community interventions and advocacy initiatives. The community interventions targeted early married girls, their husbands, families (in-law) and the local community to create awareness on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) issues. Communication interventions targeted the general public, policy makers and influencers with awareness raising campaigns and advocacy activities to support the development and implementation of effective legislation, policies and programs ensuring the rights of early married girls are fulfilled to the greatest extent possible.
The proposed IMAGE Plus program expand its geographical target area, reaching an additional 4,500 Early Married Girls and will include three newly identified thematic areas of intervention; nutrition, gender based violence, and education for livelihood. See BD 2016 10 17 IMAGE PLUS ProposalFINAL.pdf
· Exploratory mission for Rohyngas Refugees in taking place early October 2017 by the Emergency department
a.Country profile
India, officially the Republic of India is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country (with over 1.2 billion people), and the most populous democracy in the world.
In 2017, the Indian economy was the world's sixth largest by nominal GDP and third largest by purchasing power parity. Following market-based economic reforms in 1991, India became one of the fastest-growing major economies and is considered a newly industrialised country. However, it continues to face the challenges of poverty, corruption, malnutrition, and inadequate public healthcare.
India is a federal republic governed under a parliamentary system and consists of 29 states and 7 union territories. It is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic society.
b. Health situation
Sundarbans, West Bengal
Patharpratima block consists of small islands of the Sundarbans, which is an area characterized by poverty, deprivation and acute struggle against geographical challenges including dependency on red-fed and mono-crop agriculture, fishing that hardly provide any support to the households in terms of income and employment. Limited access to and availability of health services and lack of knowledge of correct health practices continue to put the mothers and children at a high risk of morbidity and mortality in these communities. Lack of diet diversity and poor child feeding practices contribute to high levels of chronic and acute malnutrition in Patharpratima. The dominance of rural medical practitioners providing irrational treatment for childhood illness, also remains an issue. High rates of migration among the male members of the household put the women at the burden of household and agricultural work, affecting the adoption of adequate child care practices.
According to official data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 38% of the women deliver at home, and experience unsafe deliveries[1]. The proportion of low birth weight babies is as high as 18.6%[2] compared to the state average of 11.8%[3]. Prevalence of wasting among children under 5 (U5) is 16.8%[4]; higher than the World Health Organisation threshold indication for nutritional emergency of 15%. Lack of sanitation & safe drinking water escalate the risk of health hazards of children.
Findings from the assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of IYCF among caregivers of children aged 0-59 months in 2015 revealed that proportion of children who were fed minimum acceptable diet along with breastfeeding was 32.13%, and only 37.29% of respondents practice hand washing after cleaning child’s faeces and 19.44% practice hand washing before feeding a child.
Kokrajhar district, Assam
The state of Assam, India, has one of the highest neonatal mortality rates (NMR) in India - 37 per 1,000 live births against 28 for the country as a whole, and one of the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the country - 301 per 100,000 live births against 174 for India as a whole.
Most of the schools in the district of Kokrajhar have dysfunctional WASH facilities which prevent regular school participation. Less than 58% of elementary schools provide education girls' toilet (District Report 2013-14). Issues of adequacy and cleanliness of toilets and water supply in schools are common. Poverty and Violence also lead to insufficient nutrition with possible negative effects on children physical and mental development. Midday meal provision is irregular in many schools. Classroom hunger affects concentration and adversely impacts school participation. Also, malnutrition makes children more susceptible to disease thus negatively impact school attendance. High level of anemia in adolescent girls puts women at risk of mortality, especially during the critical reproductive years.
c. Current Tdh project
Maternal and child health situation
Terre des hommes (Tdh) Foundation’s health strategy is to promote the health of mothers and children under five and reduce maternal and child mortality. Our health interventions are currently located in the deltaic region of South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal and in Kokrajhar district of Assam. All the interventions are implemented in partnership with a local NGO based in the respective locations. In West Bengal, Tdh is contributing towards improving the health of adolescents, mothers and under-5 children by working along three strategic areas- 1) Capacity Building, 2) Improving the availability and use of basic good quality health care and nutrition services; and 3) Empowering local communities to adopt healthy behaviours with focus on optimal infant and young child feeding, hygiene practices, reproductive and sexual health and dietary diversity among adolescents. All the interventions are implemented in partnership with local NGOs based in the respective geographic locations.
The activities aiming at improving the health of adolescents, mothers and under-5 children are described as under:
· Capacity building of government and other key community stakeholders
· Community meetings through Participatory Learning and Action (PLA)
· Strengthening of health and nutrition services at community level
· Growth Monitoring and Screening of U-5 children
· Management of Acute Malnutrition through community follow ups and treatment at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre
· Management of children with Low Birth Weight
· Conducting adolescent health days and clinical follow up camps for health checkups of adolescents and malnourished children
· Promoting keyhole nutrition gardens in households and premises of government child nutrition centres
Though our intervention and handholding support to the government frontline workers, we have been able to improve the growth monitoring efficiency of U-5 children has reached 93.4%,combined with counseling of the mothers and caregivers on optimal feedings practices, care during illness and hygiene. Proportion of women experiencing safer motherhood has improved significantly with 70% of the pregnant women receiving full antenatal care from healthcare service providers. Proportion of women delivering in institutions and accessing postnatal care services has also improved remarkably; with 97.8 % women accessing health care facilities for delivery and 98.2%of women receiving at least one postnatal care by qualified health service provider.
Supporting the government to conduct Adolescent Health Days (AHDs) in intervention areas of Kokrajhar with shortage of government staff is another significant contribution of Tdh’s health intervention. In just a couple of the AHDs conducted, 44.7% of the adolescents have accessed health check-up and counseling services as compared to 18% of adolescents at the time of baseline survey
TdH is working indirectly through partners and has no legacy to work directly in health sector. There is an on-going work to get the adequate authorizations from the government.
See 2017_Tdh in India_MCH&N projects .docx and Gebauer report_Y2_14072017_final.pdf
a.Country profile
At a time when Nepal is struggling to recover from the 2015 earthquake disaster, monsoon induced landslide and flood have further worsened the situation of poor and marginalized communities. Natural disaster therefore has been a major obstacle to the country that has experienced years of political instability. The condition of community health facilities, schools, water and sanitation and child protection system is largely dysfunctional putting children and youths at risk of unsafe migration, dangerous and exploitative child labour and various health hazards.
· 37.4 % of children aged 5 -17 years are engaged in child labour. Source: Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014
· 28,333 children are estimated to be working in brick factories. Source: National Human Right Commission Report, 2013-2015
· 270 children aged 4-18 years were trafficked within the period of four months of the 2015 earthquake. 90 % were internally trafficked whereas the remaining 10 % were victims of cross-border trafficking. The percentage of boys trafficked is more than girls by 12 %. Source: Central Child Welfare Board, Nepal
· A total of 44,131 children were recorded at high risk in 14 earthquake hit districts of Nepal until the end of June 2016. Source: National Human Right Commission, National Report 2015/16
b.Health situation
Despite of unprecedented improvement in last 15 years, burden of stillbirth and neonatal death remains the key challenge in Nepal. An estimated 23,000 children die in Nepal each year before reaching their fifth birthday with three out of five babies dying within 28 days after birth, the newborn period[5]. It has been observed that most of these deaths were preventable if timely intervention had taken place. The current national plans and policies emphasize the need for improvement in quality of maternal and newborn care services at point of delivery.
c.Current Tdh project
The implementation of activities is made through partners. The project running till the end of 2017 is part of the emergency response to the 2015 earthquake.
Recovery Project (Rehabilitating Community health and protection Services: a)Construction of six (6) health posts attached with birthing center and equipment support; b)Technical capacity building of government health workers focusing on safe motherhood and family planning; Skilled Birth Attendant, Implant insertion and removal, infection prevention control, logistic management etc; c) Community empowerment for emergency obstetric referrals.
See NEP_post-earthquake_Rehab_final.docx and Summary Health programme Nepal.docx
Tdh is actively engaged in protecting children against exploitation, abuse, trafficking and violence. Tdh works with the Nepal Government and is active in networking and coordinating with formal and informal child protection stakeholders to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable children. Empowering children and youth to have agency in decisions affecting them and strengthening the capacities of existing local and district level government structures is a central premise. Reliable action-oriented research, carried out with international standards and in partnership with leading universities is a strong part of Tdh’s reputation in South Asia.
Tdh supports children and their mothers to benefit from their right to healthcare. We apply three strategies in ensuring children’s access to health care by strengthening the existing health system, prioritizing the empowerment of communities and beneficiaries of the projects as well as advocacy for the right to health. Tdh projects assist expectant mothers and mothers of newborn infants and children to access health care services.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Targeting the most vulnerable, we support the provision of safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation awareness and prioritize empowering communities and institutions along the way to promote sustainable behaviour change. Tdh projects add to the government’s national WASH plans, particularly efforts to achieve open defecation free (ODF) communities. Guided by Tdh’s global policies; Tdh WASH work is always linked to its health actions
Advocacy and Lobbying
Advocacy and lobbying is a strong element across all of Tdh’s projects. Tdh believes evidence based lobbying and advocacy with the government and non-government stakeholders, civil society and beneficiaries contributes to prioritization, resource mobilisation, behaviour change and commitment. Tdh facilitates initiatives to strengthen and implement Nepali laws and policies, guidelines related to health, WASH and protection in line with international child rights principles. Tdh also continuously supports and collaborates with the state systems to share experiences in order to shape long term strategies.
2016 Results
· 36,072 individuals were directly benefitted from the activities implemented by the Tdh
· 915 children were able to escape from sexual exploitation
· 340 children engaged in sexual exploitation were reintegrated into their families
· Tdh’s intervention in six brick kilns mitigated/eliminated 103 children’s protection and health risks
· 1633 individuals had access to safe drinking water
· The child protection system of 17 communities of the earthquake affected district was strengthened.
a.Country profile
Myanmar has a population of approximately 54 million, 34% of whom live in urban centres. The country hosts more than 135 ethnic groups. After decades of repressive rule and self-imposed isolation, Myanmar has, since the democratic elections of 2011, begun an array of fundamental political, economic and social reforms. However, many challenges continue to confront the country, including widespread poverty and underdevelopment, a lack of administrative and institutional capacity, a governing system that continues to lack true accountability and transparency, ethno-nationalist insurgent movements that have yet to fully make peace with the state (most notably in Rakhine, Kachin, Shan and Kayin States) and a dangerous escalation of religious violence between Muslims and Buddhists, especially in Rakhine State.
Key poverty indicators:
· 145 out of 188 countries on UNDP HDI
· According to the IRC, with over 600,000 internally displaced persons, Myanmar has the lowest life expectancy and second highest child mortality rate in the world
· Average 32.1% of the population lives below the income poverty line – under USD 2 per day; in Rakhine, Shan & Chin States these figures reach 44%, 53% & 73% respectively
· 83% of the working population earns less than USD 3.10 per day
· Although 95% of children enroll in primary school, roughly 72% drop out before completing their primary education; mean number of years in primary school 4.7
· Only 23% of pre-school children attend nursery school & 23% of children join secondary school.
b.Health situation
Key poverty indicators:
· 1 in 3 children under 5 years of age are malnourished
· 35.1% of under 5s are stunted (moderate & severe)
· Infant mortality rate - 39.5 deaths per 1,000 live births
· Under 5 mortality rate – 50 per 1,000 live births
· 50% of all under 5 deaths attributable to preventable diseases including malaria, diarrhea & acute respiratory infections
· Maternal mortality ratio - 178 deaths per 100,000 live births
· Adolescent birth rate – 16.5 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years
· 32% of the population is without access to safe drinking water
· 35% of the population lacks access to a toilet.
c.Current Tdh project
TdH is working in Hlaing Thar Yar Township of Yangon and through a memorandum of Understanding with the ministry of health. The project aim to reduce maternal and child morbidity and mortality among the vulnerable urban poor and contribute to improved health and nutritional status in the township. See MYANMAR\Tdh MNCH Introduction leaflet .docx
A situation analysis was carried out in 2016, and a 3 year strategy (2017-2020) established. See 2016- SITUATION ANALYSIS YANGOON\MNCH Study; MYANMAR\2017-2020 MNCH_strategy_23.12.2016.docx
1.Justification of the consultancy
TdH wants to establish a regional strategy plan, in line with the 2016 -2020 institutional strategy.
TdH is willing to ensure the adequacy of its projects in the region with the institutional health strategy, as well as support for decision making on intervention strategy adapted to regional specificities including global and regional health initiatives and funding opportunities.
TdH is looking for an individual or an institutional consultant with a strong command of English to identify, review and compile the best available information on which donors are working, in which countries and on what are the gaps/issues in maternal, newborn, child health (MNCH), nutrition and WASH activities in Asia with a focus on Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Nepal, including multilateral, bilateral and philanthropic funders..
2.General objective
The overall objective of the consultancy for the region is to analyze the current activities of Tdh and define opportunities of developing projects, focused on perinatal health and in line with Tdh health strategy (see summary health strategy) and national priorities. Based on each country’s specific context, the consultancy aim to identify potential donors/partners opportunities and constraints.
Note: As Myanmar Delegation has already conducted a situation analysis followed by a development of a strategy plan last year, the main objective of the assessment is to do a donor mapping, review the documents to strengthen Tdh strategic plan and provide input on possible gaps.
3.Specific objectives
· Assess and analyze the current health services quality, access, coverage and key barriers (social, environmental, security, economic)
· Identify governmental strategy, priorities, national implementation plan and subventions, in term of MNCH (incl Nutrition and WASH) and the main stakeholders.
· Map and identify donors for MNC Health, constraints/interest (for Myanmar only review the existing one and add technological development in health).
· Map and identify other health actors in MNCH (INGOs, LNGOs, UN Agencies…) for India and Nepal.
· Identify gaps in the health system, based on Tdh focus, donors and governments priorities.
· Analyze current activities and their matching with the above (government’s strategy, gap)
· From the finding, propose accordingly a potential intervention strategy for Tdh in the region.
· Review proposal made by teams and support decision making. The consultancy will be conducted by an external consultant who will be supported by the local Tdh team, and the HQ team
The consultancy will be conducted by an external consultant who will be supported by the local Tdh team, and the HQ team.
1.General organization
In each country, the consultant is under the responsibility of the delegation and specifically the country representative. He/She is required to follows the delegation’s security plan.
Tdh office in Lausanne will be responsible for contractual issues and travel arrangements.
Tdh country office in Asia Region will be responsible for all logistic and security arrangements
b.Delegation support
The delegation will support in terms of translation, liaison with known national and local authorities, other stakeholders and logistics. The delegation will be available for technical medical support as needed. Technically, the consultant will also have Skype calls with the Health department at HQ to discuss and approve the methodology and the main aspects of the assessment
Technically, the consultant will also have Skype calls with the Health department at HQ to discuss and approve the methodology and the main aspects of the assessment.
2.Contacts/focal person/ resources
Lionel Lafont & Pranab Roy;
Anna Lazar & Runa Nath
Julien Bettler & Prakash Bohara
Martin Swinchatt & Naing Aung
3.Work plan
Total planning of 55 days
Desk review: 5 days
Bangladesh, India, Nepal: 10 working day each → 30 days
Myanmar: 5 days
Preparation, travel, reporting: 15 days
1.Methodology of assessment
The consultant will be responsible for the entire assessment process:
a.Preparedness, design and implementation
Review documents and policies, review existing data/baseline, selection of research tools and development
Define location, Target group, Target scope of activity…
Meetings with stakeholders (national and local gov), INGOs, local NGOs, community, staff; Informal talks, Key informant interviews, Direct observation…
Per country, and regional trend
Providing feedback session with the first results to the delegations’ office
Providing full written report(see IV. Expected results)
Providing a live feedback session at the HQ
English written report, ranging from 40 to 50 pages (excluding annexes), considering national and regional analysis:
· Executive summary
· Automatic table of content
· List of annexes, glossary, tables, terms of reference, team composition
· Assessment plan: Goal and objectives,
· Methodology: Methods and approaches, Timeframe, Locations visited, Reason for chosen approach, Assumptions, Limitations, biaise, gaps
· Background: Context (social, economic, cultural, political), Brief description of area
· Humanitarian situation: National capacities and response, International capacities and response, Humanitarian access, Coverage and gaps
· Response by other actors / Stakeholder analysis: Community, government (national and local), NGOs (national and international), UN agencies, donors, military, and other actors
· Donors mapping (including regional, national and local funded initiatives): interests and constraints
· Partnerships: Current and proposed partnerships, Critical issues
· Operating conditions: Security, logistics , Government regulations and requirements for operations
· Key findings: analysis of those findings to explain what is happening
· Recommendations: - Priority needs and proposed response strategy
Should Tdh intervene, and what value will it add to the response?
What should the nature, scale and details of the intervention be?
How should we prioritize and allocate resources strategically? What are the donors interested?
What practical actions should the programme design and planning involve? Which partnership can be implemented?
· Conclusion and regional strategic overview
Proven experience in conducting situational analysis and donor mapping in health development context
Extensive experience in assessment, analysis and report writing
Experience in strategic planning
Acknowledged similar consultancies with recognized organizations
Experience in leading a team and of organizing their work
2. Competencies
Sound Technical knowledge and understanding of child protection, nutrition, MNCH and WASH issues.
University degree on social sciences, public health and development or assimilated
Knowledge of the Asian context preferred
Excellent knowledge of English
Capacity to write reports and proposal for donors
3. Personal skills
Flexibility to work in multidisciplinary team
Practical, flexible, structured and organized – excellent planning skills
Excellent interpersonal communication skills
Good listening and interviewing skills, be open to ‘unheard voices’, be friendly, non-judgmental and patient
Child-friendly behaviour and language and a gender-sensitive approach
Clean Police background record
[1] District Level Health Survey conducted in 2007-2008.
[2] Tdh’s project monitoring data.
[3] District Level Health Survey conducted in 2007-2008.
[4] SMART Nutrition Survey by Tdh in 2014.
[5] Nepal Multi Cluster Indicators Survey 2015/ Nepal’s Every Newborn Action Plan 2016/ p3
How to apply:
To be considered, interested and qualified consultants must submit the following documentation:
Curriculum vitae (max. 3 to 4 pages highlighting work experience and qualifications relevant to this evaluation)
Full contact details of at least two references from among recent clients
One sample evaluation report highlighting relevant experience
Applications should be sent to this address :
Deadline for submissions is 16.10.2017 (COB, Swiss Time). Only applicants submitting complete applications and under serious consideration will be contacted.
Tdh applies its own consultancy rate ranging from 350CHF to 420CHF- per day based upon experience.